Camp Notes, Day 5

June 11, 2024, Bellemont- An old friend pulled in, this evening, just after sunset. Looking about the place, L remarked on the serenity that still pervades the camp, even with the many changes since she was here last.

The old French proverb, “The more things change, the more they stay the same”, applies as much here as anywhere. Buildings can be built, but eventually, plumbing starts leaking, tree roots need to be clipped away from foundations and piping, and roofs always need to be replaced-among other things. We, as a society, are ever striving to strike a balance between progressively including marginalized groups in community life and preserving the moral code of conduct that has sustained our society. It seems there should be no conflict between the two-and yet……..

The kids went on a stargazing walk, this evening, after a warm day of study and group sport. They came back with a renewed awe for the vastness of the Universe. It is events like this that give credence to the very idea of a Faith that stresses the Presence that has made us all. I remember that, when pondering the still-pending transition of the most powerful woman I have ever known and the ongoing process of this country’s standing at a crossroads.

The camp is now past its halfway mark and will have a strong impact on its participants, including me-the humble manager.

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